now, since there is nothing the outraged can do but spit vitriol, they blame the voter turnout. They scream that in a city of 5 million only 1.1 cast a vote, as if another million voters had casted their ballots the result would have been any different. The election was a close 51%-46% Bloomberg over Thompson. 51-46, that would mean that Thompson didn't even get all of the dissenting vote...
i'm going to head you off at the pass here. The reason Bill Thompson didn't win this election had nothing to do with voter turn out. The vast majority of voters who stayed home would have voted for Bloomberg anyway, that's why they stayed home. Or maybe it was because Thompson whole campaign message was that Bloomberg was a bad, bad, man, not that Thompson was right for the job. That's because he wasn't...
The democrats best hope of winning this Mayoral race was in the hands of Andrew Cuomo, but he has his sights set on Albany. You see, running the City is a pain in the ass, waiting for the state money, being treated as the black sheep of a family where the rest of the family is eating off its plate. Cuomo also didn't want to lock horns with Bloomberg, who, before he used a power grab to allow a run for a third term, was quite popular. So Cuomo is using the Attorney Generalship to cut his teeth. Anthony Weiner, after being the most outspoken member of the NYC democratic party against the overturning of the term limits referendum. He was also democratic Mayoral Canidate #1. He had the money and the support to tangle with Bloomberg, but he walked, and went back to congress instead...
and what about that referendum. i agree with the dissenting opinion, that if the people voted to enact term limits then the government is to enact term limits. i agree that it was underhanded to silence the people's voice. And yes it is a dangerous game being played when the people are snuffed. But Bloomberg isn't lining the boroughs with the national guard, he's not rolling tanks up Broadway. And wasn't it the city council that overturned this referendum, not Bloomberg—oh, that's right, he paid for them too...
maybe you all should just face the facts. When dealing with the choice between the lesser of two evils i choose the guy who knows what the room looks like instead of the guy who need two weeks to find the bathroom. The problems that face this city are the same that face the entire country. We live in a trickle down society. Given that, wouldn't you want a CEO for a Mayor rather than someone howling at the moon? if you are so pissed, so outraged, then take a deep breath, count to ten and spend the next four years grooming a candidate that can win an election on his or her own merit, rather than one riding the coattails of your outrage...
now, if you don't mind, i'd like some peace and quiet, Meet the Browns' season premier is on tonight—its very funny...
that was thompson's problem from the jump off.
this was a tack that hasn't worked since...say...the 90's i wanna say
really?!?! mee tthe browns REALLY?!?!
No, not really. Gimme some credit for the old tongue in cheek.
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