Friday, October 9, 2009

the renegade of funk...

i know what you're thinking. Nobel Prize for Peace? Maybe a tad early...

well, how about a Nobel Prize for Funky?...

Barack Obama Smoking Weed?

nobel committee officials in Oslo found it in their infinite wisdom award the illustrious peace prize to the President. Now, it might be a little hasty, even for those of us who dig the dude, but today a sitting American President is the Nobel Peace Prize winner. I figured a certificate of merit for getting the previous administration out of dodge would have been more than appropriate, but the peace prize?...

read further, or don't. In fact, stop reading the American press or American television, because they aren't informing you of the truth. See, the thing is, the rest of the world likes Obama. According to the Associated Press Nobel Committee chair Thorbjoern Jagland noted the honor was bestowed due to the change of the global mood since Obama's election and inauguration...

'Only rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future,' Jagland said...

i guess that's where its at. Only the shadow knows if anything of any merit is going to happen on the Hill over the next three and a half years. Legislation is getting stuck in mire of partisanship and puffed out chests. And yes, Obama, along with his party, is going to take a hit for that. A party that has been infiltrated with enough centrists to keep the status quo, even if the status quo is sub par. The President's job is to be the face of the nation, the statesman. Foreign Policy is the job of a President, not domestic affairs, so at the end of the day the checks are written by Congress and Obama has no more power than his veto and influence...

but clearly, the planet has found faith in Obama that some of us have not. There have been times when this country snubbed its nose at the rest of the world and at times it might have been warranted—even necessary. But these days are different. We are slowly becoming a third world nation. We are dumber and more arrogant as a nation than in any other time in our history. Led astray by talking heads to hate our own while believing we still matter on this rock. It turns out that all we are good for are our natural resources. We send them out to the rest of the world and they use them to build something for us to purchase. That's obscene. Henry Ford would choke a bitch! So when the rest of the world has decided to stand up behind a guy like Obama, as a broker of peace—as a statesman for the world, i'm apt to take notice, regardless of my feelings towards the man, and so should you...

its last call for oil on this planet. Everyone is moving their pieces in position to get their last drink. Russia has kept an eye and a occasionally a strong arm in its former southern provinces, where the wells are deep and yet untouched. China uses more than anyone, and will hitch its wagon to anyone who can give them some fuel. We captured, detained and released Iraq on its own recognizance with the idea that we are two moves away from those very wells. See Afghanistan and Iran. The French and the Germans are starting to remember how close in ancestry they really are and the Saudis hear the clock ticking. Obama's greatest challenge isn't a fair tax plan, it's not health insurance for every American, its not even creating jobs or solving the great BCS crisis. That's Congress' job, and to that end, are attention should be squarely put upon them to do their job. Obama's job is make sure that at the end of the day, we come out of the next three years being liked by the rest of the world. Kill 'em with kindness as they say. Three years of applying band aids to the wounds the previous administration wrought in their insane motion for a global power grab...

when all is said and done, we may be the policeman of the world. The drunk brute you always want on your side in a fight. Its our lot for leaving no child behind. For eschewing Art, music and Physical education to make sure we push the most amount of kids through the smallest rooms in the world. We created our comatose, our lack of imagination and our obesity and it seems everyone in the world knows this but us. But when it comes to throwing our considerable weight around we are professionals, and the world knows that too...

the Nobel Committee saw it in their infinite wisdom, indeed, to give Obama some street cred. His presence, style and grace make him the perfect broker for world peace or at least world civility. Its time for those of us in denial to recognize it...

here's to keeping it funky...

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