Thursday, September 17, 2009

'color catalog available, right now!'...

i am a registered democrat. i registered when i was 18 and i've seen, heard and learned a ton since pigeon-holing myself 18 years ago. Do i consider myself a democrat? No. Should i re-register to properly identify my political affiliation? Maybe, but there is no box for Pragmatic Anarchist...

i'm a big believer in chaos theory, what i like to refer to as celestial violence. Chaos theory works,—your taking up residence on its greatest achievement, this planet. Now, you aren't still believing in an all-knowing, all-encompassing being are you? I'll put it this way, if the most intelligent humans on the planet don't believe in a god, and the dumbest do believe in a god, who are you going to side with?...

be careful how you answer...

ignorance is bliss, sure, i'm not buying it. Neither should you. Ignorance creates a world where giving a woman a choice about what they will do to their own bodies, how they will decide how to enact their own liberty, is questioned and even demonized. A woman with a choice is not a murderer, she is informed...

ignorance challenges your patriotism when speak out against a war that peripherally stalls any progress in creating a cleaner, safer form of energy while abusing that patriotism to allow for a colossal power grab the likes of which we have ever seen. Simultaneously, that patriotism is applauded because some television gasbag tells you that the current administration wants to kill the elderly...

ignorance gives a microphone to a high school drop out/former crack dealer and asks the President to answer for that persons foolishness because of the color of his skin...

ignorance makes us ask the same questions over and over—Which way to America?...

'i look out the window, i don't see your America'—Corey Glover...

ignorance is not Windex, its the the smudges, the grime and bug filled screen. We are a nation still very much divided, but not in two. There are the haves, those who run and take great benefit from the Military-Industrial—and let's add Pharmaceutical, complex. There are the have-nots, that would be us, but that group has been fractured. There are the pawns, the foot soldiers of the complex, those holding the baby killer and the cold dead hands posters down the mall in DC. They blindly walk the walk and talk the talk of the great word. And there those of us who know better...

see it doesn't matter what i'm registered as, democrat, republican, libertarian, constitutionalist, water buffalo-humper at the end of the day i'm a have-not. So are you. And even know our numbers grow everyday i feel as though i'm in a growing minority. Its difficult not to bash the talking heads and the lowest common denominators when they propagate their foolishness, on TV or on the streets. Kings of hypocrisy—all of them, whether they know it or not...

ignorance, its what's for dinner, well, i'd rather side with anarchy. Anarchy, that is chaos, always has a way of working itself out...

while i was upstate this past weekend i got a good look at the night sky, filled with stars. It looked different from the last time i got a good look. i wondered how much it changed since last October, the last time i got away from the city or when i was a teenager at Boy Scout summer camp when i used to stare up at the infinite...

sea changes are for the rough and tumble. We are at ground zero of one right now. The next 50 years will depend on these next few months and even years. Will people get over their ignorance, see the light and actually question what it is they truly believe in...

where is your America?...


Jack Flynn said...

I remember listening to that song in 1989 and thinking it was the most radical piece of music I'd ever heard. I was 12 at the time, cut me some slack.

One might also say that the most intelligent human beings on the planet wouldn't profess to claim definitive knowledge that there is no God, since they lack proof that He does not exist beyond their own opinion. My curious capitalization is not a mistake, my friend - you know that I do not allow for grammatical errors.

TW said...

It was and still is. It was Rage before Rage.

You don't need proof of God's existence, only to prove God's infallibilty. Satan is the proof. Why would God create an angel that would try to undermine him. The cliff note answer is either, God didn't because he doesn't exist, or that he is such a terrible bastard he unleashed Satan on the world in order to see what would happen, and therefore does not deserve your worship.

The fact of that matter is you as a personal example use God to blame someone. Jesus has nothing to do with you strat success.

Jack Flynn said...

Of course he doesn't. Jesus hates me, and he purposely fucks with my Strat team for the sheer pleasure of doing so.

Here's a thought - what if there is no Satan? What if Christian God never created the angel that tried to undermine him? What if man created the notion of Satan - the very first attempt at using the power of religion over other men?

Listen, if you want to say "Catholic God" does not exist in the way we learned as little kids, I can get behind that. That God sent little dead babies to limbo and didn't want me having sex until I married Christine. But I don't know how anyone can say for sure that there's not some all-powerful being controlling this whole thing, because we really don't know one way or the other.

I'm a believer because I like the idea of believing. The Jesus idea, if you don't buy into a lot of the bullshit that's being associated with His name, can be an amazing figure to follow. It's all just anthromorphization (?) right now anyway - we're all just guessing.

TW said...

People believe because they need to, I don't. There is no guessing involved.

catmom said...

Control freaks have difficulty relinquishing the sense of control and handing it over to some joe shmo great Oz.
If I prayed, I would pray to Nietzsce, but he isn't listening either.